Own Edible Garden
Sow a Seed

The Best Starter Collection of Seeds to Grow Your Own Edible Garden

Are you eager to cultivate your edible garden but unsure where to start? The journey to homegrown, fresh produce begins with selecting the right seeds. In this guide, we’ve curated a selection of the best seeds for starting your edible garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, these seeds are sure to inspire a bountiful and delicious harvest.

1. Basil

Basil is a culinary superstar known for its aromatic leaves that add depth and flavour to a wide range of dishes. It’s easy to grow from seed and thrives in containers or garden beds. Whether you prefer classic Genovese basil or the spicy notes of Thai basil, this herb is a must-have for any edible garden.

2. Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes are perfect for beginners. These compact plants produce an abundance of sweet, bite-sized fruits throughout the season. Whether you have a small balcony or a spacious backyard, cherry tomato plants can flourish in containers or garden plots.

3. Coriander (Cilantro)

Coriander adds a burst of freshness to salsas, curries, and salads. It’s a cool-season herb that bolts in hot weather, so plant it in early spring or fall. Consider succession planting to enjoy a continuous supply of Coriander leaves.

4. Courgettes (Zucchini)

Courgette plants are prolific producers, making them an excellent choice for those looking to grow their own vegetables. These summer squash thrive in sunny locations and provide a steady supply of tender, green zucchinis that are perfect for grilling, sautéing, or baking.

They are greedy plants and can quickly grow big leaves that risk drowning out nearby veggies that do not grow as quickly or tall. Ideally, you should look to leave 50cm around each seed. Although they need a lot of space, you do get a great yield, and after sowing a seed early in the season, you can enjoy a continuous harvest for months. 

5. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers come in a rainbow of colours and add both colour and flavour to your dishes. These sweet peppers are versatile in the kitchen, making them an essential addition to your edible garden. Start them from seeds indoors and transplant them outside once the weather warms up.

6. Mint

Mint is a fragrant herb that’s great for making refreshing teas, mojitos, and flavouring desserts. Be warned: mint can be invasive, so it’s best grown in containers to keep it from taking over your garden. Choose from various mint varieties like spearmint or peppermint.

Not only is Mint delicious, but it also has many health benefits that make it a great addition to your own edible garden.

7. Green Beans

Green beans are a staple in many vegetable gardens due to their ease of cultivation and delicious taste. Bush beans are a great choice for small spaces, while pole beans can be grown vertically to maximize your garden’s footprint.

8. Basil

Basil is a culinary superstar known for its aromatic leaves that add depth and flavour to a wide range of dishes. It’s easy to grow from seed and thrives in containers or garden beds. Whether you prefer classic Genovese basil or the spicy notes of Thai basil, this herb is a must-have for any edible garden.

9. Strawberries

Imagine plucking ripe, juicy strawberries from your garden. Strawberries can be grown in hanging baskets, containers, or traditional garden beds. They require full sun and well-drained soil to produce a sweet and satisfying harvest.

A word of caution, a lot of wildlife find Strawberries delicious (unsurprisingly). So if you are pinning your hopes on Strawberry and cream for dessert this summer, make sure you protect your Strawberries.

10. Parsley

Parsley is a versatile herb used as a garnish or flavour enhancer in many dishes. It’s a biennial herb, meaning it will produce leaves for two years before going to seed. Plant it in containers or your garden bed for easy access to its fresh leaves.

Beginner’s advice for your own edible garden

This list was curated with the novice in mind. Hopefully, by sowing some seeds that pack a punch, you, too, can catch the bug of growing your produce. This list includes a lot of herbs because they are super versatile and some of the easiest edibles to look after and grow from seed (just please learn from my mistake and do not put mint in your raised bed or border – it is not worth it due to it being so invasive)

If you are limited on space or time, start with Courgettes (Zucchini), Tomatoes or peppers. They all have a great yield and will surprise you with how much flavour they can have (when not mass-produced for the supermarket). 

The first step to your own edible garden is to sow a seed. Do not be put off if, at the first attempt, something goes wrong. Learn, reset and go again. 


Starting your own edible garden is a rewarding journey, and choosing the right seeds is the first step toward success. With this curated collection of the best seeds for your edible garden, you’ll have a variety of flavorful herbs, vibrant vegetables, and delicious fruits at your fingertips. Embrace the joys of gardening and savour the satisfaction of homegrown produce with these fantastic seed choices. Happy planting!

I'm Dave, an English teacher who finds joy in nurturing young minds and green gardens. My journey in education started with a degree in English literature, and for over a decade, I've been sparking a love for language and literature in my high school students. When I'm not in the classroom, you can find me knee-deep in soil, tending to my beloved vegetable garden. I've discovered that growing vegetables is not unlike cultivating young minds – it takes patience, care, and a whole lot of love. Whether I'm analyzing sonnets or planting seeds, I'm dedicated to the beautiful process of growth.